Engineering Manager Event Loop

In prepping for a new Engineering Manager role I'll be starting in the next several weeks, I stumbled on a great video featuring David Loftesness [] (former Director of Eng at Twitter, now at eero) talking about the transition from Engineer to Manager. I liked this matrix…

Q2 2018 Update

It’s been awhile since my last update but I’ll do my best to bring everyone up to speed. When I last posted, I was building a software consulting business, Epsilon Eight. In Feb 2017 I hit an extended period of reduced dealflow that tested my abilities as a…

2016 Q4 Business Review

Q4 2016 started off dire. A much needed vacation unfortunately meant no revenue for the entire month of October. But we finished strong. Read on to find out more. October October was a very rough month. Two vacations, one in September, another in October, meant that I wasn’t working…

Epsilon Eight Q1 2016 Report

Reports for Epsilon Eight will now be posted on our blog. I’m reposting our latest report here for convenience. Report Things have been busy this quarter…so busy in fact that I’ve hardly had time to blog at all, which is why you’re getting a quarterly report…


Epsilon Eight is always looking for customer problems to solve. One such problem we’ve identified is that many services only allow you to deliver webhooks to a single destination. This is particularly frustrating if you want to sync, for instance, payment notifications to both your CRM, an analytics platform,…

Epsilon Eight Report

If you’re just tuning in, I’m blogging my journey to building a successful consulting business that provides my family more freedom. In my last report, I covered the months of April and May. This post will report on the months June through November. Yes, I’ve been slacking.…

DockLister shutdown

I recently published a blog post on DockLister detailing why I’m shutting the site down. I’m reproducing that post here at the suggestion of several friends so it would not be lost when DockLister goes away. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was just naive enough four years ago to start DockLister…

The RailSupport research I should have done

Sometimes I get excited to try something new and I fail to use my research tools. RailSupport is one of these cases. If you recall, I built a simple landing page using Weebly to test the size of the Ruby on Rails support market. The motivation for the idea was…