RailSupport Growth Hacking Experiment #1 - Paid Ads

In case you missed it, I launched RailSupport.co last week to test if there was a gap in the Ruby on Rails support market for services like small bug fixes, seo updates, and copy changes. WPCurve runs the same type of business and was the primary motivation for me…

How to generate, setup, and test a business idea in 90 minutes

I’m currently going through a discovery phase where I’m looking for a product idea. I recently listened to an epsiode of Bootstrapped with Kids [https://bootstrappedwithkidspodcast.simplecast.fm] featuring the legend Dan Norris [http://dannorris.me/] where he talked about WPCurve [http://wpcurve.com] , one his more recent…

A New Chapter

March 20th marked my last day of full time employment as I’ve moved on to start my own software development company, Epsilon Eight [http://www.epsiloneight.com] . Here’s to the journey!…

Freelance Performance 2014

In keeping with last years theme, I’m posting a review of my freelance performance for historical record but also so that others might benefit. Straight to the point, this year was busy, so I intentionally did less work. Just a few of the things we did this year: * Devon…

Heroku multiple SSL endpoints

I recently worked on a project, hosted on Heroku, that required multiple SSL endpoints. The application allows you to set a custom URL for your account. This isn’t exactly straightforward on Heroku. In order to pull this off, I got some help from the Heroku Support team. I’m…

Peter Thiel's CS183: Startup - Class 2 Notes Essay

blakemasters [http://blakemasters.com/post/20582845717/peter-thiels-cs183-startup-class-2-notes-essay] : > Here is an essay version of my class notes from Class 2 of CS183: Startup. Errors and omissions are my own. Credit for good stuff is Peter’s entirely. CS183: Startup—Notes Essay—Party Like It’s 1999? I.  Late to the Party…

To Succeed in Life, Learn How to Fail

No one likes to fail. We feel embarrassed, angry, frustrated, self conscious, and vulnerable. But I’ve recently begun to feel comfortable with failure and started embracing it. I want to share some of my feelings about failure. Vanity None of us want to look incompetent. And you have every…

DockLister First Paying Customer!

I’m happy to announce that DockLister has signed up it’s first paying customer! It may only be $79.99/mo, but landing that first customer feels great. It’s invigorating. It’s validating. It’s intoxicating. I started building DockLister [https://www.docklister.com] 15 months ago. My…