Freelance Performance 2013

I’m not in a huge rush to leave full-time employment any time soon but I firmly believe in maintaining multiple revenue streams. I also believe it’s important to celebrate your successes and be proud of your achievements. I thought I’d take a minute to share my freelance…

Things I wish I knew about life while growing up

1. Life is not like TV. It should go without saying. I truly believe that a significant portion of becoming a mature adult is breaking down 20 years of indoctrination by media. We use TV as a reference point in our lives. Our reductive, idealized, and archetypal understanding of jobs,…

Flirtations with Entrepreneurship

Every since I started my professional career in technology - approximately 5 years ago - I’ve been consumed with the startup world. Angels, VC’s, pre-money, notes, runrates, ARPU, LTV. But I feel as though I’ve only ever flirted with entrepreneurship. And I’m not sure if that’…

Compiling Unzip for use on Heroku

I recently needed to unzip a file on Heroku. I attempted to use gunzip without success. I also tried tar but that didn’t work either. I needed unzip, but Heroku doesn’t include this in /bin on the dyno. So I set out to compile a version of the…

Zipasaurus upgrades

So I’ve had some downtime recently while interviewing for a new job in SF. Interviewers invariably bring up [] and how much they like the service. I enjoyed the compliments but I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the state of the service so I decided…

Relocated to SF

I recently relocated to SF. Recently as in 3 days ago. My fiance and I have been trying to move here for a couple years but struggled with the timing. In fact, when we first started dating I was interviewing with Heroku. Both of us have lived in the North…

Human Computer Interaction Assignment 8

Application name and one sentence description Clatter (Class + Chatter) is a web-based, classroom-focused chat application. Users and teachers can send messages, ask/answer questions, post relevant course material, and tag and search content. Chat rooms exist at unique, easily-bookmarked URL’s. Goal of Test Purpose: Comparison test + Field test Objectives…