Virginity is not a "gift". To suggest it is, as Tony Abbott has, is absurdly childish. It's also ridiculously romantic. None of which would...

Virginity is not a ”gift”. To suggest it is, as Tony Abbott has, is absurdly childish. It’s also ridiculously romantic. None of which would matter if the discussion stopped there. But it doesn’t.

Instead, the Leader of the Opposition has raised the very ugly spectre of female virtue as a tradable, marketable, sellable commodity. By telling his daughters their virginity is ”the greatest gift that you can give someone” and ”the ultimate gift”, he’s unwittingly reduced their myriad talents, strengths and capacity to love to mere crumbs, compared to the single act of deflowering. Abbott’s logic suggests a female’s most precious and important asset- above all else - is her sex. And that asset is most highly prized when it’s presented new and unused.

i’ve long argued this same point. although this is certainly more eloquent. the same goes for marriage. walked down the aisle by dad to be handed like a prize to the husband?! please.

Virginia Haussegger (via National Times: Virginity is one hell of a gift) (via buyhercandy) (via ericmortensen) (via tanya77) (via palonka) (via robot-heart-politics) (via spintree)